Wednesday, September 3, 2008

About Me

My name is Rachel Rothwell and this is my first journalism class, welcome to my blog! I really hope this class will be able to greatly improve my computer and web design skills because currently I am absolutly horrible at any to do with computers. Although this class will be a challenge, I am really excited to take it and learn how to wirte news stories and write better ( I am sure my grammer needs to be refreshed!). My goal is to ultimatly work for vogue or some fashion magazine similar to vogue so hopefully this class will help me reach my goals! Also, I think writing stories will be really fun and I can not wait to interview people because I love to ask people lots questions.


Professor Atwater said...

Hi Rachel,
It's nice to have such an enthusiastic student! Don't worry, we will move slowly with the computer stuff. Most everyone has a steep learning curve.

Boyle's Blog said...

Hey Rachel,
Sounds like you are awfully interested in this class, hopefully it will help you reach your goals. Good luck with everything.