Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Covering my first story!

The event I plan to cover for my first story is "2008 Elections: What Your vote means", a lecture given by Dr. Toni Marzotto, which discusses why it's important to vote, the current election and what people should think about when they vote. The event will held on September 27, 2008 in the Towson Library. The information that's available in advance is that Dr. Marzotto is a political science professor at Towson University, its sponsored by Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, and this lecture is free to the public. In the press release via th Daily Digest for September 22, 2008, I was able to find what will discussed (as stated above). My main sources will be Dr. Marzotto and college students in attendence at the lecture. I plan to ask what are the most important issues one should consider when voting in this November's election, why is really that important that everyone 18 and over votes, is there a common theme that people think about when they vote and how do you (Dr. Marzotto) feel about both candidates in this election?. The additional details I plan to look for are any outlandish or unexpected qoutes from the speaker, interesting questions from the audience, as well as, the demographics of the audience.

1 comment:

jenny atwater said...

How did it go?
When writing your posts, don't be afraid to use "bulleted lists" or numbered lists to make your posts easier to read.